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17. November 2022
Video story about our harbours
We had a project together with the Enterprise Estonia, where they did a video about …
Anyone who has ever visited Sõru Jazz concerts will come back again and again! This year, it’s the 17th time for the festival to take place. Sõru Jazz is famous for offering a homely and summer romantic atmosphere in Hiiumaa. At Sõru Jazz, you can hear the most attractive choice of Estonian jazz music.
This year there will be 14 concerts over four days.
On Thursday, June 13, the festival kicks off at Orjaku harbor, where the 30-year-old, timeless Weekend Guitar Trio will perform, and a new, modern project – Koikson/Tärn/Mölder will be the counterweight.
Friday and Saturday are dedicated to the Sõru boathouse, where diverse and stylistically colorful ensembles will take the stage – Valter Soosalu, Kass/Talsi/Sink, Mingo Rajandi, Kaspar Kalluste quintet – to late-night performers – Miljardid, Kristjan Järvi Ensemble with duo Ruut, Susanna Aleksandra, Swingin ‘ Sisters & Titos. First-class musicians such as Randalu, Sooäär, Tafenau and Trump pay homage to jazz legend Pat Metheny. Young jazz is represented by Rahel Talts and the internationally recognized Karmen Rõivassepp, well-known goodness is offered by Tanel Ruben Quintet and Brian Melvin Trio.
On Saturday morning a concert hike from Naistlaiu to Sarve awaits early risers and hikers.
The Ajaväli concert in the Emmaste church ends the festival appropriately for Sunday.
Sõru Jazz offers music and entertainment for every taste! More information